Do you feel like your career path or leadership effectiveness is somehow hindered by your temperament? Are you overlooked for leadership roles because of your quiet nature? Do you feel overshadowed by your gregarious colleagues? Do you feel pressured to go against your authentic self to get recognized?
You're not alone - about 50% of all leaders are introverts, yet our working environments favor the extrovert, the outspoken, bold and assertive. These traits have changed our definition of leadership and altered our assumptions about what good performance looks like. And while many studies have shown introverts are natural born leaders, many business cultures often make it impossible to thrive.
This month, we have a special guest speaker who will share his perspective on this topic. Karl Moore is a professor at McGill University and a fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford University. Dr. Moore taught at Oxford for 5 years before he came to McGill. His current research is on Introverts and Extroverts as Leaders in the Executive Suite. Based on over 300 interviews of C-Suite executives he argues that in today’s world both extroverts and introverts are needed as leaders.
Karl is currently writing a book for Stanford University Press, Introvert/Ambivert/Extrovert Leaders, In this project he is working with Susan Cain’s Quiet Leadership Institute.